Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Class Wrap-up Paper

1-Had you chosen a concentration at least in your mind before you took this class? What was it and why?

My concentration which I had chosen before taking BUS100 was real estate. I had chosen this concentration because I am interested in real estate, and most of my family members are working in this field and they are doing well, so that was a good motivation for me. They also have a good name in real estate in the Arabian Gulf, so I thought I would complete what they have done, and I would not start from the beginning.

2-If you did not have any idea when the semester started about what concentration to choose, do you have an idea now about what concentration(s) you might choose? What are they and why?

Actually, I had no idea about most of the concentrations that we have learned about. I think now I have two opportunities which are real estate, or finance. I would choose real estate because of the reasons above. However, finance is a good major, and I became interested in it. It also gives me a good chance to work as a financial advisor at the same company that I want to work for (al-haqbani real estate and investment group), so I will work as a financial advisor in real estate field.

3-Have you changed your mind about your possible concentration? What made you change your mind? Why have you changed your mind?

Yes I have, I was thinking of real estate. I have not thought about other concentrations, but after taking BUS100, and after the information that the speakers have given to us, I started to think of other concentration. Before taking the class, for example, I thought if I became a finance student, there is no chance to work for a real estate company.

4-Are you less worried now than you were at the beginning of the semester about choosing a concentration? Why or why not? What other information do you need to make you more comfortable about choosing a concentration?

Yes I am, because now I know each concentration well. I also have a good back ground about what I am going to be if I became a student in one of them. I think the information that the speakers have given is more than enough.

5-Were the speakers from each department/concentration helpful in providing information about the possible concentrations? Why?

Yes they were, they did their best giving valuable information about each concentration equally.

6-Explain your attitudes and opinion of having chosen business as a major.

I am so glad to be a business student. I really loved business as a major, and I chose it myself. No one forced me to choose my concentration, so I am studying the major that I really want to be in its community.

7-Would you feel comfortable meeting with a Career Advisor either for the Career Center or in the COB? Why or why not?
Yes, because of the activity that we have done during the class

8-What information that you received in the class was the most useful?

A lot of information was useful, but I think the information about the future careers is the most useful information because it tells us about our future work environment and the salary, so we can see our position in work life after couple of years.

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